A contribution in the category:algorithmsDate: 14.07.2021Related topics: stringsLevenshtein distanceThe Levenshtein distance between two strings is the minimum number of insert, delete, and replace operations to convert the first string into the second. This Blog shows how to implement it and why it might be usefulRead more
A contribution in the category:algorithmsDate: 05.04.2021Related topics: searchingarraysBinary SearchBinary search approaches searching an element in a sorted list via a divide and conquer strategy. It has a worst case time of O(log(n))Read more
A contribution in the category:algorithmsDate: 09.11.2020Related topics: sortingarraysInsertion sortInsertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds up the final sorted array element by element. For large arrays it is less efficient than more advanced algorithms such as quicksort, heapsort or merge sort. However, insertion sort also offers advantages.Read more
A contribution in the category:algorithmsDate: 08.11.2020Related topics: sortingarraysSelection sortThe selection sort algorithm sorts an array by repeatedly searching for the minimum element (considering the ascending order) from the unsorted range and placing it at the beginning. The algorithm manages two sub-arrays in a given original array.Read more